Jumat, 20 Mei 2011


Standard WFA 1.1.Hospitals have standard procedures for admissions and for outpatient registration.
The aims and objectives WFA 1.1.Admission of inpatients to the hospital for care and for outpatient services registration distandarisir through written policies and procedures.
Element rating WFA 1.1.1. Policies and procedures used to standardize the way outpatient registration.2. Policies and procedures used to standardize the way patient enrollment.3. Policies and procedures include the reception of emergency patients to inpatient units.4. Policies and procedures include holding patients for observation.5. Policies and procedures covering the handling of patients in case of no available beds to service the destination.6. Written policies and procedures support the process of admissions and outpatient registration.7. Officials familiar with the policies and procedures and implement them.
GER Standard 1.1.1.Patients who require emergency or immediate palayanan be given priority for examination and treatment.
The aims and objectives GER 1.1.1.Patients with emergency conditions or require immediate service, identified by the process of triage. When you have been identified as an emergency, need immediate care, this patient will be examined and receive services as soon as possible. Patients were examined by a physician or individual who is able before the other patients, received a diagnosis service as soon as possible and given in accordance with the required treatment. Poses triage based on physiological criteria, where possible and appropriate. Train hospital staff to determine patients who require immediate care and how to give priority service. If the hospital can not provide the needs of patients with emergency conditions and to early referral of patients requiring a higher level, the patient must be stabilized before referenced.
Element 1.1.1 GER assessmentHospitals implementing the correct triage process for patients who require priority service.Staff are trained using the criteria.Patients are prioritized on the basis of the urgency of their needs.Emergency patients are reviewed and made stable before referenced.
GER Standard 1.1.2Patient's need for preventive care, palliative, curative and rehabilitative prioritized based on the patient's condition at the time of admission to hospital.

1.1.2 Purpose and objectives GERIf the patient is considered acceptable as hospital inpatients, screening examination to help staff / employee to decide whether patients need preventive care, palliative, curative and rehabilitative and choose the most appropriate service according to the urgency.
Element 1.1.2 GER assessment.1. Screening examination to help staff understand the services needed by patients.2. This type of service or units of services needed, based on screening results.3. Patients' needs with respect to preventive services, curative, rehabilitative and palliative priority.
GER Standard 1.1.3.Attention to the needs of hospital patients in the clinic waiting time or delay to diagnosis and treatment services.
1.1.3 Purpose and objectives GERPatients are informed if there are known to wait a long time for diagnosis and treatment services or in obtaining service plan requires placement on the waiting list. Patients were given information about the reasons for the delay and waited and given alternative information that can be obtained. Terms of service provided to inpatients or outpatients and diagnostic services and need not be given if only a short wait because the doctor came too late. For some services such as oncology or transplantation, the delay may be adjusted with the national norm for such services.
Element 1.1.3 GER assessment.1. Inpatients and outpatients will be informed if there is a delay of service or treatment.2. Patients are informed of the reasons the delay or wait and give information about the available alternatives according to their clinical needs.3. The information documented in medical records.4. Written policies and procedures to support the implementation of a consistent basis.
Standard WFA 1.2.In the inpatient admission, patients and their families receive an explanation of the intent and purpose of the service, expected results and the estimated cost of such services.
The aims and objectives WFA 1.2.At the time of admission process, patients and their families get an adequate explanation to make decisions regarding the recommended services. Explanations include the services proposed, the expected service and the estimated cost of such services. The explanation given to patients and their families or good decision maker for the patient to the security or personal expenses. If the financial situation is limited to the cost of services, hospitals find a solution to overcome this, the explanation may be in written form or orally and recorded in the status of the patient.
Element rating WFA 1.2.1. Patients and their families are given an explanation at the time of admission.2. Explanations include an explanation of the intent and purpose of service.3. Explanations include an explanation of the expected service.4. Explanations include an explanation of the estimated cost to the patient and shortcomings.5. Sufficient explanation to patients and their families to make decisions.
Standard WFA 1.3.Hospitals try to reduce the physical barriers, language and culture and other barriers in providing services.
The aims and objectives WFA 1.3.Hospitals often serve different populations. Maybe old patient, physical disability, speak with various languages ​​and dialects, different cultures or any other barriers that make the process of giving and receiving of services becomes difficult. Hospitals have identified these difficulties and has implemented processes to reduce and eliminate obstacles at the time of acceptance. The hospital also seeks to reduce the impact of these barriers in providing services.
Element rating WFA 1.3.1. Leadership and hospital staff to identify barriers that exist populated patients.2. There are procedures to address or limit the time constraints on patient acceptance.3. There are procedures to address the impact of barriers in providing services.4. This procedure has been implemented.
Standard WFA 1.4.Admission or transfer patients to and from the intensive care unit or special care is determined by criteria established.
The aims and objectives WFA 1.4.Units or services that provide intensive services such as post-operative intensive care units or who provide specialized services such as care for burns patients or organ transplant is generally expensive and usually limited space and staff. Similarly, the department / emergency units equipped with beds for observation and clinical research unit must perform appropriate patient selection. Each service shall create and establish criteria for patients who will receive. Appropriate staff of emergency, intensive care and special services to participate in developing criteria. These criteria are used to provide direct entry into service units, eg the patient directly from the emergency services. Criteria are also used to determine the transfer of patients from service units to another level of service both within and outside the hospital. Criteria are also used to determine if the patient does not require a long service and can be transferred to the level of other services. If the hospital to conduct research or provide services or special programs, the admission or transfer of patients into the program must be through the criteria or protocol. Activities admission and transfer of patients in the program are documented in the medical records included the patient's condition according to the criteria or protocol.
Element rating WFA 1.4.1. The hospital has set criteria for entry or moved out of intensive care or special services, including research and programs to fit the specific needs of patients.2. Criteria based on physiology and appropriate.3. Appropriate staff be included in the development of criteria.4. Staff trained to implement the criteria.5. Status of patients who are admitted into units that provide specialized or intensive services contain appropriate criteria for the services required.6. Status of patients who transferred in or out of units that provide specialized or intensive services include criteria that do not fit anymore in the unit.

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